Needlework Crafts
to sew? Like to sew while it snows? Well these Christmas needlework crafts may
provide you with some ideas for sewing crafts this Christmas.
Browse through our crafts and please submit any sewing craft ideas to us that
you would like to share. And send pictures if you can :) Enjoy !
This wire and bead creation glimmers on Christmas
trees and presents, yet despite its appeal, is very easy to make |
This is a great button ornament craft for kids.
With buttons available at most craft supply shops, you or your children can make
these cute Christmas wreaths to hang on the tree or give as a present to
parents or grandparents
This simple wreath looks elegant with a mixture of
sunburst, pearl and gold beads. This is also an easy craft for
kids to learn |
A tri bead wreath is perhaps the easiest wreath
you can make. This project is great for children and is a favorite
of teachers, Sunday school teachers and parents alike
Do you love creating Christmas crafts and would like to share them?
Send them to us and join our Top Crafters. The best Christmas craft
ideas will be showcased in our Craft Hall of fame